— PLLEN2:1
I Phase Lock Loop 1 and 2 Enable
These input pins are used to enable the on-chip clock multiplier
feature and select either the doubled or quadrupled clock speed.
CAUTION: If PLLEN1 is held low while PLLEN2 is held high, the
device will enter into an unsupported test mode.
— RESET# I/O Reset
A level-sensitive reset input to and open-drain system reset output
from the microcontroller. Either a falling edge on RESET# or an
internal reset turns on a pull-down transistor connected to the
RESET# pin for 16 state times. In the powerdown, standby, and idle
modes, asserting RESET# causes the chip to reset and return to
normal operating mode. After a device reset, the first instruction fetch
is from FF2080H (or F2080H in external memory). For the 80C196NP
and 80C196NU, the program and special-purpose memory locations
(FF2000–FF2FFFH) reside in external memory. For the 83C196NP,
these locations can reside either in external memory or in internal
— RPD I Return from Powerdown
Timing pin for the return-from-powerdown circuit.
If your application uses powerdown mode, connect a capacitor
between RPD and V
if either of the following conditions is true.
• the internal oscillator is the clock source
• the phase-locked loop (PLL) circuitry (80C196NU only) is
enabled (see PLLEN2:1 signal description)
The capacitor causes a delay that enables the oscillator and PLL
circuitry to stabilize before the internal CPU and peripheral clocks are
The capacitor is not required if your application uses powerdown
mode and if both of the following conditions are true.
• an external clock input is the clock source
• the phase-locked loop circuitry (80C196NU only) is disabled
If your application does not use powerdown mode, leave this pin
Calculate the value of the capacitor using the formula found on page
Table 12-2. Operating Mode Control and Status Registers
Mnemonic Address Description
CCR0 2018H Chip Configuration 0 Register
Bit 0 of this register enables and disables standby and
powerdown mode.
INT_MASK 0008H Interrupt Mask
Bits 3 and 4 of this register enable and disable (mask) the
external interrupts, EXTINT0 and EXTINT1.
Table 12-1. Operating Mode Control Signals (Continued)
Port Pin
Type Description