For the 8XC196NP, CON_REG0.0 (CLK0) controls the PWM output frequency by enabling or
disabling the divide-by-two clock prescaler. Enabling the prescaler causes the 8-bit counter to in-
crement once every two state times; disabling it causes the counter to increment once every state
Table 9-2. PWM Control and Status Registers
Mnemonic Address Description
CON_REG0 1FB6H PWM Control Register
This register controls the clock prescaler.
Bit 0 (CLK0) controls the output period of the PWM
channels by enabling or disabling the divide-by-two clock
prescaler (8XC196NP only).
Bits 0 and 1 (CLK0, CLK1) control the output period of the
PWM channels by enabling or disabling the divide-by-two
or divide-by-four clock prescaler (80C196NU only).
PWM Duty Cycle
This register controls the PWM duty cycle. A zero loaded
into this register causes the PWM to output a low continu-
ously (0% duty cycle). An FFH in this register causes the
PWM to have its maximum duty cycle (99.6% duty cycle).
P4_DIR 1FDBH Port 4 Direction
The P4_DIR register determines the I/O mode for each
port 4 pin. The register settings for an open-drain output or
a high-impedance input are identical. An open-drain
output configuration requires an external pull-up. A high-
impedance input configuration requires that the corre-
sponding bit in P4_REG be set. This port has a higher
drive capability than the other ports in order to support
PWM high-drive output requirements.
P4_MODE 1FD9H Port 4 Mode
Each bit in this register determines whether the corre-
sponding pin functions as a standard I/O port pin or is
used for a special-function signal.
P4_PIN 1FDFH Port 4 Pin State
P4_PIN contains the current state of each port pin,
regardless of the pin mode setting.
P4_REG 1FDDH Port 4 Output Data
P4_REG contains data to be driven out by the respective
pins. When a port pin is configured as an input, the corre-
sponding bit in P4_REG must be set.