Interblock Delay
This is the time period the reader will wait before transmitting the next
successive data block. Some host systems need additional time
between data blocks to process the information.
B3<ENTER>0 for 0 ms
B3<ENTER>1 for 10 ms
B3<ENTER>2 for 30 ms
B3<ENTER>3 for 100 ms
B3<ENTER>4 for 300 ms
B3<ENTER>5 for 1 second
This selection defines the scan code sent to the host for each charac-
B4 <ENTER>0 for U.S.
B4 <ENTER>1 for U.K.
B4 <ENTER>2 for Swiss
B4 <ENTER>3 for Swedish
B4 <ENTER>4 for Spanish
B4 <ENTER>5 for Norwegian
B4 <ENTER>6 for Italian
B4 <ENTER>7 for German
B4 <ENTER>8 for French
B4 <ENTER>9 for Japanese
Code/Track ID
Each bar code symbology or MSR track can be assigned a CODE ID
character. This character is added to the beginning of the scanned data.
The host can use this character to ensure that the data received came
from the appropriate type of symbol.
B5<ENTER>A for On
B5<ENTER>B for Off
Scan Verification
In order to insure accuracy of scanned data from poor-contrast bar
code labels, a second confirmation swipe can be required before the
reader will accept the data. When this option is enabled the reader
requires the card to be swiped a second time and both swipes are
compared. If they match, the data is considered a good read.
B6<ENTER>A for On
B6<ENTER>B for Off
Note: This function applies to bar codes only.
Function Code
The standard computer keyboard contains more keys than are sup-
ported by the ASCII code table (such as the F1-F12 function keys). The
Omni reader allows the key codes for these functions to be used in
message formatting. When this selection is ON, these key codes can be
entered from the Function Code Table in Appendix A and be included in
the data stream as part of the message string (such as pre/postambles
or Code IDs).
B7<ENTER>A for On
B7<ENTER>B for Off