Default Settings
The Omni reader is shipped from the factory with the default settings
already programmed. In the following sections, the default settings are
shown in boldface. For a list of default settings, see Appendix A (for
bar codes) and/or Appendix B (for magnetic stripes). In order to modify
these settings, the host computer and keyboard must be IBM PC/AT
If you have a different keyboard, you must use an AT-compatible
keyboard to first change the configuration settings, and changing the
default terminal type last. After changing terminal type, you must then
connect the reader to the appropriate computer. (Most keyboards on
PCs with 5 pin DIN and 6 pin MiniDIN connectors are AT compatible.)
To enter the setup mode and change the configuration via keystroke
entry, specific syntax is used. Each setup command starts with /E/D/FX
where “X” is a different upper case character for each command. The E,
D, and F characters must also be upper case. This initial character
string is followed by ENTER and the specific characters for the setting
desired. Selections for each group take effect when you press enter.
If you unplug the Omni while you are in the middle of a command and
have not pressed enter, your custom configuration for that command
will not be saved. If, however, you press ENTER after a correct com-
mand, but before unplugging the reader, your selections for that
command will remain programmed until you change them or reset all
commands to default.
When entering keyboard commands, type no more than two characters
per second. After entering each group, wait one second before moving
to the next group. All commands are case sensitive, so use upper case
for all commands. Two beeps indicate an accepted command, four
beeps indicate a successful exit of a group (when you have typed the
EXIT command for a particular group), and four quick beeps indicate an
incorrect or rejected command. If you make a mistake in entering a
command, you must re-enter the entire command. Do not use backspace
and retype the character.
Configuration Setup Sets
1. On an AT-compatible computer, enter any edit mode. (When running
Windows, the Notepad accessory will work fine.)
2. Enter GROUP SETUP MODE by typing /E/D/FX, remembering the
“X” will be different every time, depending on the setting you wish to
make and the group it is in. Applicable groups are: Terminal Type
Selection, General Selections, Industrial Bar Code Selections, Retail Bar
Code Selections, Magnetic Stripe Selections, and Code ID Definition.
3. Press <ENTER>.
4. Type the code for the setting you wish to change.
5. When finished, save your new selection by pressing <ENTER>.
6. Exit the group setup mode by typing XZ<ENTER> (where, again, the
“X” will be different every time).
To set the beep volume to LOW, enter:
The setup routine is always the same, regardless of group.
1. Enter group.
2. Enter subgroup.
3. Choose option or reset to default.
4. Exit