default value of 0 prevents examining client sessions for insufficient
throughput. Throughput is computed by adding send and receive byte
counts and dividing by the length of the session. The length does not
include time spent waiting for media mounts and starts at the time a client
sends data to the server for storage. The minimum value is 0; the
maximum is 99999999.
THROUGHPUTTimethreshold minutes
Specifies the threshold for examining client sessions and cancelling them if
the data throughput threshold is not met (see
THROUGHPUTDatathreshold). This threshold does not include time spent
waiting for media mounts. The time threshold starts when a client begins
sending data to the server for storage (as opposed to setup or session
housekeeping data). The default value of 200 prevents examining client
sessions for low throughput. The minimum value is 0; the maximum is
Specifies that large buffers are used for client-server communications. The
default of yes specifies that large buffers are used; no specifies that they are
not used.
The Device Configuration File for the Storage Agent
The device configuration file for the storage agent includes information on the
storage agent and information about the Tivoli Storage Manager server with which
the storage agent communicates. The file is typically named devconfig and resides
with the storage agent program at this location: /usr/tivoli/tsm/StorageAgent/
bin. The DSMSTA SETSTORAGESERVER command normally generates the
contents of the file, and you can also use the command to add information to the
Typical contents of the device configuration file are as follows:
SET STANAME storagnt
SET STAHLADDRESS agent.tucson.ibm.com
DEFINE SERVER tsmsrver serverpassword=not4u
HLADDRESS=tsmsrver.tucson.ibm.com LLADDRESS=1502
In this example, storagnt is the name of the storage agent and tsmserver is the
name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server.
The following describes the contents of the file:
Sets the name of the storage agent. The name must be the same as the
name that was used to define the storage agent as a server to the Tivoli
Storage Manager server.
Sets the password of the storage agent. The password must be the same as
the password that was used when defining the storage agent as a server to
the Tivoli Storage Manager server. The password is encrypted.
Sets the TCP/IP address of the storage agent.
Appendix A. Administration and Configuration Reference 49