The Storage Agent Options File
The options file for the storage agent is named dsmsta.opt. The dsmsta.opt file for
the storage agent contains the name of the server with which the storage agent
communicates, along with other options. The dsmsta.opt file is located where the
storage agent program was installed. The default path is: /usr/tivoli/tsm/
Normally, you do not need to make any changes to the options file unless your
Tivoli Storage Manager server changes.
Detailed information about these options is available in the Administrator’s
For detailed information on the commethod and lanfreecommethod options, see
the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for UNIX and Linux: Backup-Archive Clients
Installation and User’s Guide.
Required Options
This section describes the required options.
Note: Allowed abbreviations for the options are shown in uppercase letters.
DEVCONFig file_name
The name of the device configuration file for the storage agent. A typical
name for the file is devconfig.
SERVERName server_name
The name of the Tivoli Storage Manager server with which the storage
agent communicates. The DSMSTA SETSTORAGESERVER command
inserts this option.
TCPPort number
Specifies the port number on which the server TCP/IP communication
driver is to wait for requests for client sessions.
Using different port numbers for the options TCPPORT and
TCPADMINPORT enables you to create one set of firewall rules for client
sessions and another set for other session types (administrative sessions,
server-to-server sessions, SNMP subagent sessions, storage agent sessions,
library client sessions, managed server sessions, and event server sessions).
If the two port numbers are different, separate threads will be used to
service client sessions and the other session types. If you allow the two
options to use the same port number (by default or by explicitly setting
them to the same port number), a single server thread will be used to
service all session requests.
Additional Options
The following options are also available, but not required:
ADMINONClientport yes|no
Specifies whether or not the TCPPORT can be used by administrative
sessions. You can specify one of the following values:
v YES (default)
46 IBM Tivoli Storage Manager for SAN for AIX: Storage Agent User’s Guide