ID Task Name Projected Actual
Start End Start End
38 Perform Online Application Tests 06/07/98 08/16/98
39 Perform Online Network & Stress Tests 08/16/98 08/30/98
40 Refine & Repeat Online Application
04/26/98 08/23/98
41 Batch Application Conversion 01/09/98 05/10/98
42 Install Conversion Tools 01/09/98 01/16/98
43 Install Conversion Software 01/09/98 01/16/98
44 Batch Program Conversion 02/01/98 04/26/98
45 Develop COBOL Batch Conversion
02/01/98 04/12/98
46 Develop Automated COBOL Batch
02/15/98 04/26/98
47 Perform Manual COBOL Batch Conversion 04/12/98 04/26/98
48 VSE JCL Conversion 02/01/98 05/10/98
49 Perform JCL Pilot Conversion 02/01/98 02/20/98
50 Develop VSE JCL Conversion
02/01/98 04/26/98
51 Develop VSE JCL Automated Conversion 02/15/98 05/10/98
52 Perform Manual PCL and JCL Conversion 04/26/98 05/10/98
53 Perform Initial Mass Conversion (JCL +
04/26/98 05/10/98
54 OS/390/DFSMS Standards Definition 02/01/98 04/26/98
55 Develop OS/390/DFSMS Standards
02/01/98 04/12/98
56 Present OS/390/DFSMS Standards
02/15/98 02/15/98
57 Explain Current VSE Standards 02/15/98 03/08/98
58 Define New OS/390/DFSMS Standards 02/15/98 04/26/98
59 OS/390 JCL Generation 03/01/98 05/10/98
60 Define OS/390 JCL Generation
03/01/98 04/26/98
61 Develop OS/390 JCL Automated
03/15/98 05/10/98
62 Batch File Migration 04/05/98 05/10/98
63 Develop Batch File Migration
04/05/98 04/19/98
64 Develop Batch File Migration Procedures 04/19/98 05/10/98
65 Migrate Batch Files for Testing 04/26/98 05/10/98
66 COBOL VSE Positioning 04/26/98 08/16/98
67 Identify & Perform COBOL VSE Positioning 04/26/98 07/19/98
68 Perform, Test & Roll-out COBOL VSE
05/24/98 08/16/98
69 Batch Test Can Start 05/10/98 05/10/98
70 Batch Application Tests & Corrections 05/10/98 09/21/98
71 Perform Sample Batch Tests 05/10/98 06/05/98
Chapter 3. Developing the Plan 59