device addresses 80
DFP 21
DISPLAY command 447
execution overrides 149
exits 415
IEFBR14 78
initialization routine 269
JCL - a summary 88
JCL - sample 93
JCL versus VSE JCL 73
JES2 additional job scheduling functions 214
Job Control statements 84
linkage macros 271
Migration System 486
multitasking macros 283
naming standards 408
overlay 345
RACF 149
register conventions 269
specific options 344
storage management 345
system requirements 170
tools testing 508
virtual storage considerations 135
virtual storage macros 289
VSAM macros 290
n-way processor support 9
NAME 336
considerations 99
conventions - common applications 549
differences 217
guidelines 543
NaviQuest 103
NCP 192
NCP/EP Definition Facility (NDF) 192
nesting procedures 72
NetView FTP access 415
configuration 191
definitions 194, 203
management 233
printer definition 236
Network Job Entry 220
new VM users 425
NI status codes 172
accounting 224
connection to OS/390 415
data transfer 405
definitions 221
exits 221
management 221
nodes definition 230
operations 221, 453
operator commands 233
PLINE mapping to JES2 LINE 227
SDSF panels 454
using SDSF panels 454
no labels 105
NOALLOCATION data sets 123
NOIMBED option 120
non-LE/VSE run-time environments 354
nonstandard labels 106
not recommended DITTO batch keywords 385
not recommended DITTO functions 383
not supported in MVS 339
NOTE macro 299, 309
nucleus load table 137
object code migration 251
obsolete DITTO batch keywords 384
obsolete DITTO functions 382
OEM product education 536
OMR (Optical Mark Read) 339
online Fast Copy 397
online program conversion 14
online unit testing 512
OPEN allocation 78
OPEN macro 297, 304, 314
operating hardware consoles 443
operating system implementations 98
operational differences 242
operations 16, 173, 190
automated 37
automated tools 50
NJE 221
procedures 411
RJE 220
support staffing 50
operations management 465
automating operational procedures 467
methodology 466
overview 465
tasks 465
commands JES2 211
commands NJE 233
communication interrupts 288
data entry 76
flexibility 76
interfaces 443
intervention 76
printing OPERLOG 394
OPSYS routine 349
OPTI-AUDIT 79, 520
608 VSE to OS/390 Migration Workbook