354 DS8000 Series: Concepts and Architecture
The DS8000 requires the following i5 I/O adapters to attach directly to an i5 AIX partition:
0611 Direct Attach 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel PCI
0625 Direct Attach 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel PCI-X
It is also possible for the AIX partition to have its storage
virtualized, whereby a partition
running OS/400 hosts the AIX partition's storage requirements. In this case, if using DS8000,
it would be attached to the OS/400 partition using either of the following I/O adapters:
2766 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel Disk Controller PCI
2787 2 Gigabit Fibre Channel Disk Controller PCI-X
For more information on OS/400 support for DS8000, please see Appendix B, “Using DS8000
with iSeries” on page 373.
For more information on running AIX in an i5 partition, please refer to the i5 Information
Center at:
Monitoring I/O performance
The iostat command is used to monitor system input/output device loading by observing the
time the physical disks are active in relation to their average transfer rates. It also reports on
CPU use. It provides data on the activity of physical volumes, not for file systems or logical
volumes. Refer to “UNIX performance monitoring tools” on page 345 for more information.
The filemon command monitors the performance of the file system, and reports the I/O
activity with regard to files, virtual memory segments, logical volumes, and physical volumes.
filemon runs in the background while one or more applications are being executed
and monitored. It automatically starts and monitors a trace of the program's file system and
I/O events in real time. By default, the trace is started immediately, but it can be deferred until
the user issues a
trcon command. Tracing can be turned on and off with tron and troff as
desired, while filemon is running. After stopping with
trcstop, filemon generates an I/O
activity report and exits. It writes its report to standard output or to a specified file. The report
begins with a summary of the I/O activity for each of the levels being monitored and ends with
detailed I/O activity statistics for each of the levels being monitored.
Example A-9 shows the output file of the following command:
filemon -v -o fmon.out -O al; sleep 30; trcstop
This monitors the activity at all file system levels for 30 seconds and writes a verbose report
to the file fmon.out.
Example: A-9 Filemon output file
Wed Nov 17 16:59:43 2004
System: AIX part1 Node: 5 Machine: 00CFC02D4C00
Cpu utilization: 50.5%
Most Active Files
Note: AIX will not run in a partition on earlier 8xx and prior iSeries systems.