
Maintenance Analysis Procedures 2-1540-17
Step 15
(from Step 14)
1. Press the Enter key.
2. If the terminal type has not been defined, you must use the Initialize Terminal option on
the FUNCTION SELECTION menu to initialize the AIX operating system environment
before you can continue with the diagnostics. This is a separate and different operation
than selecting the console display.
3. Select Advanced Diagnostics Routines.
4. When the DIAGNOSTIC MODE SELECTION menu displays, select System Verification.
5. Select System Checkout.
Did you get an SRN?
NO One of the adapters or devices you removed is causing the problem. Install
the adapters and devices one at a time to determine the failing adapter or
device. Test the system after each adapter or device is installed.
YES Go to Step 16.
Step 16
(from Step 15)
Look at the FRU part numbers associated with the SRN.
Have you exchanged all the FRUs that correspond to the failing function codes?
NO Exchange the FRU with the highest failure percentage that has not been
Repeat this step until all the FRUs associated with the SRN have been
replaced or System Checkout runs with no trouble found. Run System
Checkout after each FRU is exchanged.
Go to “Map 0410: Repair Checkout” in the
POWERstation and
POWERserver Common Diagnostics and Service Guide.
YES Go to Step 2.