There is a complete line of accessory equipment available from our dealers/distributors.
Care should be taken that these accessories are properly installed by trained technicians and that they are used in the
manner for which they were designed. See following WARNING and CAUTION.
• Custom cab assemblies, canopy tops, weatherproof enclosures, and windshields will not protect
occupants from ying objects.
• If the vehicle is equipped with an electric-powered bed lift, remove the bed before servicing the
bed lift system.
• Do not drill into the driver-side frame. Failure to heed this caution could damage the engine by
allowing excessive contamination to enter the air intake system.
All-wheel drive (AWD) vehicles are equipped with mud tires are intended only for off-road operation; they are not
designed for use on paved surfaces such as asphalt and concrete. Frequent driving on paved surfaces will signicantly
decrease the life of the mud tires. Vehicle performance will also be reduced when driving on paved surfaces. See
following WARNING.
• To avoid the risk of rollover when operating a vehicle equipped with mud tires on a paved surface:
reduce speed, use extreme caution, and drive slowly in turns.
• The diameter of all tires on the vehicle must be equal; otherwise the all-wheel drive system will not
operate as intended and could result in severe personal injury or death. Never install tires of different
diameters on the vehicle.
Husqvarna tires are made specically for the AWD vehicle; therefore, Husqvarna recommends that only tires
purchased from Husqvarna be used on your AWD vehicle.
HUV 5420 DX
Homologated Diesel Vehicle for Europe Owner’s Manual Page 47