Thank you for choosing Husqvarna, the name most widely recognized as the industry leader in vehicle efciency and
long-lasting value. You have chosen the nest utility vehicle on the market. Please protect your investment and
ensure that your Husqvarna vehicle(s) provides years of reliable, superior performance by reading and following the
maintenance instructions in this manual.
Your comfort and safety are important to us, so we urge you to read and follow the step-by-step operating instructions
and safety procedures in this manual. These instructions must be followed in order to avoid the risk of severe personal
injury. If you rent or loan your vehicle to others, we recommend that you ask them to read this manual before they
operate the vehicle.
Husqvarna products are backed by a customer support system designed to offer you fast, courteous service. In the
event your Husqvarna vehicle needs repairs or service, please contact your local authorized Husqvarna dealer or
distributor; he will be able to provide technical advice, perform warranty work, and sell parts and service manuals.
For the name and address of the authorized Husqvarna dealer or distributor nearest you, logon to our web site
at www.husqvarna.com.
We hope you will consider this owner’s manual a permanent part of your Husqvarna vehicle. If you sell the vehicle,
please include the manual so that the next owner will have the important operating, safety, and maintenance
information it contains.
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Homologated Diesel Vehicle for Europe Owner’s Manual