Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
Starting LBA for test span 2 8 12A R/W
Ending LBA for test span 2 8 1Ah R/W
Starting LBA for test span 3 8 22h R/W
Ending LBA for test span 3 8 2Ah R/W
Starting LBA for test span 4 8 32h R/W
Ending LBA for test span 4 8 3Ah R/W
Starting LBA for test span 5 8 42h R/W
Ending LBA for test span 5 8 4Ah R/W
Reserved 256 52h Reserved
Vendor specific 154 152h Vendor specific
Current LBA under test 8 1ECh Read
Current span under test 2 1F4h Read
Feature flags 2 1F6 R/W
Vendor specific 4 1F8h Vendor specific
Selective self test pending time 2 1FCh R/W
Reserved 1 1FEh Reserved
Data structure checksum 1 1FFh R/W
Figure 94 Selective self-test log data structure
14.40.8 Error Reporting
The following table shows the values returned in the Status and Error Registers when specific
error conditions are encountered by a device.
Error Condition Status Register Error Register
A S.M.A.R.T. FUNCTION SET command was received
by the device without the required key being loaded into
the LBA High and LBA Mid registers.
51h 04h
A S.M.A.R.T. FUNCTION SET command was received
by the device with a subcommand value in the Features
Register that is either invalid or not supported by this
51h 04h
A S.M.A.R.T. FUNCTION SET command subcommand
other than S.M.A.R.T. ENABLE OPERATIONS was
received by the device while the device was in a
“S.M.A.R.T. disabled” state.
51h 04h
The device is unable to read its Attribute Values or
Attribute Thresholds data structure.
51h 10h or 40h
The device is unable to write to its Attribute Values data
51h 10h or 01h
Figure 95 S.M.A.R.T. Error Codes