Travelstar 5K160 (SATA) Hard Disk Drive Specification
100/167 Error Log version
The value of this version shall be 01h. Error log index
This indicates the error log data structure representing the most recent error. If there have been no
error log entries, it is cleared to 0. Valid values for the error log index are 0 to 4. Extended Error log data structure
An error log data structure shall be presented for each of the last four errors reported by the device.
These error log data structure entries are viewed as a circular buffer. The fifth error shall create an
error log structure that replaces the first error log data structure. The next error after that shall
create an error log data structure that replaces the second error log structure, etc.
Unused error log data structures shall be filled with zeros.
Data format of each error log structure is shown below.
Description Bytes Offset
command data structure 18 00h
command data structure 18 12h
command data structure 18 24h
command data structure 18 36h
command data structure 18 48h
Error data structure 34 5Ah
Figure 53 Extended Error log data structure
Command data structure: Data format of each command data structure is shown below.
Description Bytes Offset
Device Control register 1 00h
Features register (7:0) (see Note) 1 01h
Features register (15:8) 1 02h
Sector count register (7:0) 1 03h
Sector count register (15:8) 1 04h
Sector number register (7:0) 1 05h
Sector number register (15:8) 1 06h
Cylinder Low register (7:0) 1 07h
Cylinder Low register (15:8) 1 08h
Cylinder High register (7:0) 1 09h
Cylinder High register (15:8) 1 0Ah
Device register 1 0Bh
Command register 1 0Ch
Reserved 1 0Dh
Timestamp (milliseconds from Power-on) 4 0Eh
Note: bits (7:0) refer to the most recently written contents of the register. Bits (15:8) refer to the
contents of the register prior to the most recent write to the register.
Figure 54 Command data structure
Error data structure: Data format of error data structure is shown below.
Description Bytes Offset
Reserved 1 00h