HP E1312A/E1412A Multimeter Application Information 39Chapter 2
Integration Time Integration time is the period during which the multimeter’s analog-to-digital
(A/D) converter samples the input signal for a measurement. Integration time
affects the measurement resolution (for better resolution, use a longer
integration time), and measurement speed (for faster measurement, use a
shorter integration time).
• Integration time applies to dc voltage, dc current, resistance and
four-wire resistance functions only. The integration time for the math
operations is the same as the integration time for the measurement
function in use.
• Except for FREQuency and PERiod functions, integration time is
usually specified in number of power line cycles (NPLC). The default
NPLC is 10. You can also specify an integration time in seconds for dc
voltage, dc current, resistance, four-wire resistance, frequency and
period using the aperture time command for each function. Aperture
time has a direct correlation to NPLC (except for the
FREQuency and
PERiod functions which do not use NPLC) and is shown in the tables
beginning on page 70. See the
[SENSe:]PER:APER commands for setting frequency and period
aperture time.
• The integration time is stored in volatile memory. The multimeter
selects 10 PLCs at power-on or after a module reset. See following
information for
FREQuency and PERiod aperture time.
• Only integral numbers of power line cycles (1, 10 or 100 PLCs)
provide normal mode (line frequency noise) rejection.
• You cannot control the reading rate for ac measurements with
integration time because integration time is fixed at 10 PLCs for all ac
measurements. You must use a trigger delay to pace ac voltage and ac
current measurements.
• NPLCs are not applicable to the FREQuency and PERiod functions.
Frequency and period measurements set resolution by specifying
aperture time. The aperture time for the
FREQuency and PERiod
functions default to 100mS. Specify an aperture time of 10mS for
4½-digits, 100mS for 5½-digits or 1 second for 6½-digits of
• Set integration time using the following commands:
[SENSe:]<function>:NPLC <number>
s are not applicable for the FREQ and PER functions)
function>:APER <seconds>