HP E1312A and HP E1412A Multimeter Error Messages 191Appendix B
709 No cal for this function or range
You cannot perform calibrations for ac current, period, continuity, diode,
ratio, or on the 100M
710 Full scale correction out of range
720 Cal DCV offset out of range
721 Cal DCI offset out of range
722 Cal RES offset out of range
723 Cal FRES offset out of range
724 Extended resistance self cal failed
725 500V DC correction out of range
730 Precharge DAC convergence failed
731 A/D turnover correction out of range
732 AC flatness DAC convergence failed
733 AC low frequency convergence failed
734 AC low frequency correction out of range
735 AC rms converter noise correction out of range
736 AC rms 100th scale linearity correction out of range
740 Cal checksum failed, secure state
741 Cal checksum failed, string data
742 Cal checksum failed, DCV corrections
743 Cal checksum failed, DCI corrections
744 Cal checksum failed, RES corrections
745 Cal checksum failed, FRES corrections
746 Cal checksum failed, AC corrections
747 Cal checksum failed, HP-IB address
748 Cal checksum failed, internal data