image problems
clipped at bottom 115
clipped image 115
missing objects 116
PDF problems 117
economical use of 47
ink cartridge
about 75
cannot insert 119
memory chip 75
order 91
replace 76
specification 140
status 75
status messages 119
ink cartridge; usage information
internal prints 11
IP address 26
static 121
use hostname 122
iPad 51
iPhone 51
iPod Touch 51
language 26
line length accuracy 110
line thickness 108
load paper
cannot load 96
general advice 32
multi-sheet tray 38
paper not in driver 98
roll cannot load 96
roll into printer 34
roll onto spindle 33
sheet 36
sheet cannot load 96
sheet cannot load from tray 97
loading paper problems 96
maintenance kits 89
margins 45
specification 141
mechanical accuracy 141
memory specifications 142
Microsoft Office, print from 67
misaligned colors 109
models, printer 4
move the printer 88
network configuration page 126
network settings 28
network troubleshooting, wired
network troubleshooting, wireless
accessories 94
ink cartridges 91
paper 91
printhead 91
page size 44
advance 41
calibrate the paper advance
cannot load 96
cut after printing 104
economical use of 47
form feed 41
form feed and cut 41
incorrect out of paper 104
jam due to cut strip 103
loading error messages 97
maintenance 40
mismatch 99
not cut well 104
not flat 111
output problems in bin 104
paper not in driver 98
print on loaded paper 46, 99
printed on wrong paper 99
retained by printer 104
roll jammed 100
roll loose on spindle 105
select type 46
size 44
sizes (max and min) 140
tray jammed 101
view information 39
paper not in driver 98
paper types 91
PDF clipped 117
PDF missing objects 117
Photoshop, print from 65
physical specifications 141
platen cleaning 113
ports 7
on/off 10
power specifications 142
preferences, Windows driver 24
print by email 51
print from
printer driver 43
print from ePrint & Share 50
print quality
select 43
print quality diagnostic report 79
print-quality problems
banding 107
black ink comes off 113
blurred lines 110
discontinuous lines 109
edges darker than expected
edges stepped or not sharp
general 107
graininess 111
horizontal lines 107
inaccurate line lengths 110
ink marks 112
line thickness 108
misaligned colors 109
paper not flat 111
scratching 112
scuffing 112
stepped lines 108
vertical lines of different
colors 114
white spots 114
printer does not print 129
printer does not start 129
printer emulation 48
printer models 4
printer software 9
Mac OS X uninstall 20
Windows uninstall 17
printer status 79
printer's main components 5
printer's main features 4
about 77
align 81
cannot insert 119
clean; purge 80
order 91
replace 82
specification 140
printhead cleaner
specification 140