
The name of a placeholder in a command, function, or other
syntax display that you replace with an actual value.
[ ] The contents are optional in syntax. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you can choose one of the items.
{ } The contents are required in syntax. If the contents are a list
separated by |, you must choose one of the items.
. . . The preceding element can be repeated an arbitrary number of
| Separates items in a list of choices.
WARNING A warning calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in personal injury or
nonrecoverable system problems.
CAUTION A caution calls attention to important information that if not
understood or followed will result in data loss, data corruption,
or damage to hardware or software.
IMPORTANT This alert provides essential information to explain a concept or
to complete a task.
NOTE A note contains additional information to emphasize or
supplement important points of the main text.
HP XC and Related HP Products Information
The HP XC System Software Documentation Set, the Master Firmware List, and HP XC HowTo
documents are available at this HP Technical Documentation Web site:
The HP XC System Software Documentation Set includes the following core documents:
Describes important, last-minute information about firmware,
software, or hardware that might affect the system. This
document is not shipped on the HP XC documentation CD. It
is available only on line.
HP XC System Software Release Notes
Describes hardware preparation tasks specific to HP XC that
are required to prepare each supported hardware model for
installation and configuration, including required node and
switch connections.
HP XC Hardware Preparation Guide
Provides step-by-step instructions for installing the HP XC
System Software on the head node and configuring the system.
HP XC System Software Installation Guide
Provides an overview of the HP XC system administrative
environment, cluster administration tasks, node maintenance
tasks, LSF® administration tasks, and troubleshooting
HP XC System Software Administration Guide
Provides an overview of managing the HP XC user environment
with modules, managing jobs with LSF, and describes how to
build, run, debug, and troubleshoot serial and parallel
applications on an HP XC system.
HP XC System Software User's Guide
Provides a product overview, hardware requirements, software
requirements, software licensing information, ordering
information, and information about commercially available
software that has been qualified to interoperate with the HP XC
System Software. The QuickSpecs are located on line:
QuickSpecs for HP XC System Software
See the following sources for information about related HP products.