
6 Software Upgrades
This chapter contains notes about upgrading the HP XC System Software from a previous release
to this release.
Installation release notes described in Chapter 4 (page 23) and system configuration release
notes described in Chapter 5 (page 25) also apply when you upgrade the HP XC System Software
from a previous release to this release. Therefore, when performing an upgrade, make sure you
also read and follow the instructions in those chapters.
6.1 Do Not Upgrade If You Want Or Require The Voltaire InfiniBand
Software Stack
HP XC System Software Version 3.2 installs and uses the OFED InfiniBand software stack by
default. Previous HP XC releases installed the Voltaire InfiniBand software stack. If you want
to continue using the Voltaire InfiniBand software stack, do not upgrade to HP XC System
Software Version 3.2.
6.1 Do Not Upgrade If You Want Or Require The Voltaire InfiniBand Software Stack 29