
Storing the bicycle
Before you are going to store your bicycle
over a longer period of time, e.g. over winter,
please take care of the following steps:
Clean your bicycle and protect it from
corrosion as described in the chapter on
Store your bicycle in a dry and warm place.
Avoid direct sun and storage close to the
heating since it affects the rubber of your
Choose the smallest sprocket and the
smallest chain ring.That way the cables are
in the most relaxed position.
The tubes of your tires loose air when
standing over a longer period of time. If the
bicycle then rests on flat tires the tires may
be damaged.Therefore hang up your bicycle
or check the air pressure regularly.
The winter months are a convenient period of
time for the annual service since then you wo-
n't have to wait long for an appointment. Many
dealers offer special prices for the winter
Screws and Bolts
Screws gradually settle in and through this
they can come loose.Therefore check the
screws and bolts regularly if they are tightened
appropriately with a torque wrench.
In the following table you will find the prescri-
bed tightening torques, they refer to greased
The grease also prevents your screws from
seizing in their threads so that they won't un-
screw anymore. In particular, screws made of
stainless steel are susceptible to this and the-
refore have always to be put in with grease.
Do use high quality acid free grease, if possible
a lubricant with added solid particles like
Teflon or MoS
2.Their ingredients still work
properly after the thinner grease has been re-
moved from the contact points.
Alternatively you can use L
OCTITE screw secu-
ring fluid that you apply to the screw before
you put it into the thread.
Always check the screws very diligently for
signs of corrosion. Rust at the screw heads
may also lead to the screw seizing in the thre-
ad.When the metallic and shiny coating of gal-
vanized screws comes off and discloses dull,
gray-brown steel you have to exchange the
When you exchange screws please do only
use screws of the same type. Screws come in
different strength classes. Please do only use
galvanized screws of the same type and
strength, corresponding to the German
strength classes 8.8 or stainless steel screws
grade A2, when not given any other recom-
mendation. If you are in doubt please ask your
specialist dealer.
Storing the bicycle, Screws and bolts