
To this user manual also belong the original
manuals of component manufacturers such as
the brake manufacturer, the gear system manu-
facturer and the pedal manufacturer.These ma-
nuals tell you in detail how to operate and
maintain those specific parts. Please do read
the manuals of the part manufacturers as care-
fully as the manual on hand. Please have other
users of your recumbent also read the manu-
als before using the bike.
The maintenance and adjustment of this re-
cumbent partly require special tools and skills.
Do only work within your limits and, in the
interests of your own safety, do not go be-
yond. Should you be uncertain at any point, get
in contact with your local dealer.
The instructions in this manual apply only to a
completely assembled Street Machine GT with
standard parts from the series production of
On special demand HP V
frame kits with which a specialist dealer can
assemble a bicycle individually. In this case the
manuals on the operation and maintenance of
the parts only represent a guideline, please do
read every manual of every part manufacturer.
The specialist dealer is responsible for the ex-
pert assembly, please contact him for detailed
advice! A bicycle that has been assembled from
a frame kit must always be tested and appro-
ved by a qualified bicycle mechanic before your
first ride.
Caution! The texts in the gray boxes are
particularly important for your safety.Texts
that begin with "Danger!" mark an immedi-
ate danger for your life and your health.
Please do read them carefully.