Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
5.9 Product Flow Too High
1. Rejection Satisfactory
A. Waste Pressure Too High
a. Adjust pressure regulator.
b. Waste flow too low.
B. Feed Water Temperature Too High
a. Adjust temperature blending valve.
b. Correct plumbing error that allows the cold water to be heated.
2. Rejection Unsatisfactory
A. ROMA Internal Seals Damaged, Dirty, Or Dislodged
a. Disassemble ROMA, clean and inspect “O” rings and seals.
B. Membrane Hydrolyzed (Exposed To Oxidant)
a. Verify condition of pretreatment equipment (GAC tank).
b. Replace membrane.
C. Waste Flow Too Low
a. Adjust flow.
5.10 Poor Apparent Water Quality
1. Waste Flow Too Low
a. Open waste flow control valve.
2. Waste Pressure Too Low
a. Adjust waste pressure regulator.
3. Product Flow Too High
a. See section 5.9.
4. Membrane Scaled Or Fouled
a. Verify condition of pretreatment equipment.
b. Reference the membrane cleaning procedure to remove scale
5. Erroneous Meter Readout
a. Verify water quality with independent meter.
b. Feed or product water probe wire disconnected or loose.
c. Replace feed and/or product water probe.
d. Replace monitor circuit board.
e. Replace product water probe.
f. Check or replace TDS temperature probe (10,000 Ohms @ 25C).
6. Membrane Failure
a. Replace membrane.
7. Change In Feed Water TDS
a. Verify water quality with independent meter.
1238339b – 16Oct03 5 - 9 Troubleshooting