Z Series RO System by GE Osmonics
1.6 Theory of Operation
The Z-Series RO is an open-frame mounted reverse osmosis unit which is fully
monitored for pressure, percent rejection and output TDS. The unit includes pre-
filtration to remove gross particles capable of fouling membranes and damaging the high-
pressure pump. The RO pump provides the pressure required to drive water through the
membranes at economical flow rates and improves the membrane's rejection
performance. The fluid controls provide a means of managing required flow rates and
pressures. The following paragraphs detail the function of the components that are used
within the unit.
The Z-Series RO is available in two versions. One is a Direct Feed version that sends
the product water directly to the patient loop. The second is an Indirect Feed version
that feeds a storage tank. Indirect Feed RO units are controlled by tank level controls.
The standard control is a float switch. On high level, an indicator lamp is illuminated on
the front panel of the controller assembly.
1.7 Fluid Components
Temperature Alarm Monitor Probe:
The temperature probe is installed in the direct flow of feed water in the run of a 1” or
larger piping tee after the first piece of pre-treatment equipment before the RO unit. The
probe is used to measure the feed water temperature and is connected to the temperature
switch inside the alarm monitor.
Carbon Filtration:
Carbon Filtration is a required component of a water purification system. Two carbon
filters must be used in series. The carbon tanks are used to remove chlorine / chloramine
from the feed water. When chlorine / chloramine breakthrough is noted after the first
carbon tank, the first tank must be removed, the second put in its place, and a new tank
installed in the second position. Refer to the Carbon Tank Manual for specific operation
and maintenance instructions.
The fluid path flows into two Pre-filters, located in the housings on the front of the Z-
Series. They are cartridge type filters with nominal ratings of 5 microns. The purpose of
these elements is to collect any particles larger than 5 microns that may be detrimental to
product water quality and subsequent components in the system. The pressure drop
across the filters is monitored on the inlet and outlet by 0 to 100 PSI panel mounted
Pressure Switch:
The low feed water Pressure Switch will shut off the RO pump and turn on an indicator
lamp when the feed water supply is inadequate. The switch automatically resets once the
pressure is restored.
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