Serial Interface Specifications
Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
Table 13 Fuel/Air Data Message Data (Z Format)
Message Description
ZA ddd IAS 7 Indicated Air Speed in knots
ZB ddd TAS 7 True Air Speed in knots
ZC ddd MACH 7 Mach Speed in thousandths
ZD sdddd PALT 9 Pressure Altitude in tens of feet, +/- sea level
ZE sdddd DALT 9 Density Altitude in tens of feet, +/- sea level
ZF sdd OAT 9 Outside Air Temp - or “Total”, in degrees Celsius
ZG sdd TAT 7 True Air Temp - or “Static”, in degrees Celsius
ZH ddd WDIR 7 Wind Direction, 0 to 359 degrees from true north
ZI ddd WSPD 7 Wind Speed in knots
ZJ sdd TURN 7 Rate of Turn in +/- degrees/second, + is right, - is left
ZK sddd VSPD 8 Vertical speed in tens of feet/minute
ZL ddd HEAD 7 Heading, 0 to 359 degrees from true north
ZM dddd RFF 8 Right Engine Fuel Flow in tenths of gallons/hour
ZN ddddd RFU 9 Right Engine Fuel Used in tenths of gallons
ZO dddd LFF 7 Left Engine Fuel Flow in tenths of gallons/hour
ZP ddddd LFU 9 Left Engine Fuel Used in tenths of gallons
ZQ ddd ERR 7 Error Log / Reason Indicator: 001 = temp sensor error; 000
= no errors
ZR ddddd CKSM1 7 Checksum of labels A to Q (0 to 255)
ZS ddd GSP 7 Ground speed (0-999 knots)
ZT ddd TRK 7 Track (0 to 359 degrees, magnetic)
ZU dddddd DIS 1 Distance to Destination (0 to 999999, nm * 100)
ZV sddd MVAR 8 Magnetic Variation (0 to 999 degrees, deg * 10), s = E or W
where E = east, W = west
ZW ddmmhh LAT 13 Current Latitude, s = N or S, dd = degrees, mm = minutes
ZX sdddmmhh LON 14 Current Longitude, s = E or W, ddd = degrees, mm =
minutes, hh = hundredths of minutes
ZY ddd CKSUM2 7 Checksum of labels S to X (0 to 255)