Serial Interface Specifications
56 Apollo GX50/60/65 Installation Manual
The format of the moving map data output is as follows. Definitions of the output data is
included in Table 6 and Table 7. A sample output message is included in Figure 17.
Baud rate: ..........................................9600
Data bits: ...........................................8
Stop bits: ...........................................1
Parity: ................................................none
Output rate: .......................................approx. 1 seconds
Message length: ................................variable, approx. 83 to 750 characters
The serial output messages are in the following format.
<STX> ..............................................ASCII “start of text” character (1 byte, 02h)
<id> ...................................................item designator (1 byte, from following table)
<data> ...............................................item data (format listed in following table)
<it> ....................................................item terminator (1 byte, 0Dh)
<ETX> ..............................................ASCII “end of text” character (1 byte, 03h)