Advanced Operation
System Mode
Nav Options
Nav Audio Level
This setting is for the SL30’s output to its external audio panel. The factory default value
is “Variable”, which slaves it to the volume knob. The range of values it can be set to are 1
to 100.
Nav/Com Mixing Level
The Nav audio output may be mixed with the com audio output for installations without
an audio panel. The default value is “Disabled”. The manual adjustment range is 1 to 100.
This scale actually represents a level relative to that of the Com audio.
Additional CDI Info
You may optionally select one of a couple of pieces of information to display on the empty
side of the VOR CDI. This page allows the user to select this. The options are to leave it blank
(No N e ), display a To/From indication, or display a numeric value of the deviation (Nu m e r i c ).
The numeric deviation is displayed from 0 to 85º with a maximum resolution of 0.1º.
Display Ident over OBS
This is a simple “yes/no” selection. If it is set to No, then the OBS course will always be
displayed to the right of the CDI when displayed except when the monitor function is en-
abled. If this option is set to yes, the Morse code station identifier will replace the OBS course
after it is decoded.