Advanced Operation
Nav Mode
except in Back Course mode. When you see only the airplane icon you are on course.
Additional information may be displayed on the clear side of the CDI. This optional
information is selected in a system menu and includes a to or from indicator, a numeric
representation of the deflection in tenths of degrees, or nothing at all. Note that the additional
information only switches sides after the CDI deflection has exceeded two degrees on the side
that is currently used.
A localizer (ILS) frequency is distinguished from the VOR OBS display by the label, “loc,”
to the left of the CDI rather than the OBS course. If the back course is selected, then “bc”
will appear as additional information. The “loc” label is replaced by the station’s Morse code
identifier after it is decoded. The CDI display will be dashed and marked flagged if no signal
is detected on the active channel.
109.90 s117.40 loc A}}
Back Course
When a localizer channel is active and the SL30 is in Nav mode, the SEL button will
bring up a prompt to enable or disable the Back Course mode. The ENT button will enable
the Back Course mode. The LARGE knob will still scroll through the recall lists. Back Course
mode is not available if the SL30 is set to use an external indicator head with a built-in VOR/
LOC converter.
When you set up the Back Course approach in your SL30, no additional setup is required
for your HSI or autopilot. The SL30 corrects the Left/Right deviation indications to your HSI
and autopilot, if they are coupled to the SL30. In addition, the Glideslope indicator will be
2 Deflection