
project waypoint location 28
proximity 32
alarms 32
points tab 32
waypoint 33
radio ID 100
recalculating 88
receiver not usable 5
receiver status 5
receive satellite signals 3
receiving a DSC call 73
record tracks 34, 37
reference position 18
reset timer 88
reset trip data 51
review route 21
Road Routing Tab 86
route 22, 79
add points 22, 27
create 20–23
edit 21–23
leg transition 24
preference 87
Route Tab
92, 93
sail boat racing timer 46
satellite acquisition 5
satellite mosaic 96
satellite signals 4
satellite sky view 122
save present location 25
save this route 65
saving the current route 65
saving tracks 35, 36, 37
scanning for beacon 123
scan for a frequency 92
scroll bar 8
searching for WAAS
searching the sky 5
search history 18
selecting options 9
serial communications port 119
serial data format 92
serial number 1
Setup Tab
Guidance sub tab 88
Interface sub tab 91
Location sub tab 90
Road Routing sub tab 86
System sub tab 86
Timers sub tab
Time sub tab 89
Units sub tab 89
Welcome sub tab 91
set an alarm 76
set date 89
set fuel flow 23
set speed 23
shallow water 78
shorter distance 87
signal strength 5
simulate 6, 86
simulator mode 12
new location 12
starting 12
software license agreement 133
sonar 103, 104–107
adjusting 105–107
alarms 77
on the map page 103
setting up 108, 110
understanding 112
Sonar Tab
Sound Tab 85
speaker 85
specifications 115
speed filter 86
split screen, sonar 107
Srfc Wx Tab 97
stop navigation 50
storm cells 96
Sun & Moon Sub Tab 81
surface pressure 97
surface winds 97
temperature 89, 111
text language 86
thermoclines 114
GPSMAP 376C Owner’s Manual 141
190-00508-00_0C.indd 141 11/6/2006 9:47:51 AM