3. Highlight the forecast you want to view—Current, 12 Hour,
24 Hour, 36 Hour, or 48 Hour, and press ENTER. The
Map window on the Weather tab is updated with forecast
information for the time you selected.
The age of the weather report appears in the bottom-left corner of
the Map window on the Weather tab.
To pan the map:
Press and hold the MENU/Wx key, or press MENU, highlight
Show Map Pointer, and press ENTER. The panning arrow
appears so you can pan the map to view other map areas.
Weather Options
Use the options menu on the Weather tab to select weather options
for the Map window on the Weather tab.
To select weather options:
1. Highlight the Weather tab on the Main Menu
2. Press MENU.
Declutter On (Off)—allows you to toggle unwanted weather items
on or off on the Map window.
Animate Weather (Stop Animation)
—animates NEXRAD Radar
and Satellite Mosaic weather. When selected, a series of frames
appear, each showing a different time in the lower left corner of the
map. Up to four frames appear, beginning with the oldest to the most
current weather data.
Show Map Cursor—allows you to switch from pan mode to pointer
mode and show the map pointer in the map area so you can pan the
Weather Legend—shows the color legend for Radar, Fronts,
County Warnings, and Other features. Press right or left on the
ROCKER to view each weather legend.
Weather Legend