
Using Method of Semihosting Feature
Use the following procedure to display the content of the output request to MBR on the terminal window.
1. Control MBR in the user program.
As shown in Figure 2.6-9, it is necessary to control MBR in the user program.
Sample project including the control method of MBR is attached in SOFTUNE Workbench V30L36 or
later. Control MBR based on this. For details, refer to "APPENDIX J Sample Project for Semihosting
Feature" in "SOFTUNE Workben ch Operation Manual".
2. Display the content of the output request to MBR on the terminal window.
Use the following method to display the terminal window.
The following two methods are available to display the content of the output request: using GUI (window)
and using the command. The same result is obtained from both methods.
Display by window
- The content is displayed in the terminal window selected by [View] - [Terminal] menu. For details,
refer to section "3.22 Terminal Window" in "SOFTUNE Workbench Operation Manual".
Display by command
- Enter the SET LOGGING/TERMINALWINDOW command in the command window. For details,
refer to section "11.1 SET LOGGING" of "SOFTUNE Workbench Command Reference Manual".