
CHAPTER 2 DEPENDENCE FUNCTIONS Performance Measurement Procedures
Performance can be measured by the following procedure:
Setting event mode.
Setting minimum measurement unit for timer.
Specify performance-buffer-full break.
Setting events.
Execute program.
Display measurement result.
Clear measurement result.
Setting Event Mode
Set the event mode to the performance mode using the SET MODE command. This enables the performance
measurement function.
Setting Minimum Measurement Unit for Timer
It is 1ns as the minimum measurement unit for the timer used to measure performance. And a resolution of
performance measurement data is 25ns.
Specify Performance-Buffer-Full Break
When the buffer for storing performance measurement data becomes full, a executing program can be
broken. This function is called the performance-buffer-full break. The performance buffer becomes full when
an event occurs 65535 times.
If the performance-buffer-full break is not specified, the performance measurement ends, but the program
does not break.
>SET PERFORMANCE/NOBREAK <- Specifying Not Break
Setting Events
Set events using the SET EVENT command.
The starting/ending point of time measurement and points to measure pass count are specified by events.
Events at 8 points (1 to 8) can be set. However, in the performance measurement, the intervals, starting event
number and ending event number are fixed in the following combination.
Measuring Time
Four intervals have the following fixed event number combination.