User’s Guide – version 1.6 NetWatch
Chapter 2 – NetWatch Configuration
To configure NetWatch click the “Administration” button on the welcome screen.
Global System Settings
These are settings that affect the operation of the whole NetWatch system. If
you installed NetWatch into a folder other than the default, please ensure these
settings are correct.
To access the System Settings page click on the “System Settings” button. The
various options are explained below:
Parameter Description
Company name The name of the company using NetWatch
System name A general name given to your NetWatch system
Administrator The name of the person who maintains the NetWatch
Email “from” address The source address on any email alarm sent by
NetWatch, e.g. administrator@companyname.com
Email subject line The subject on any email alarm sent by NetWatch
SMTP server The address of the default SMTP server used for
sending email alarms
NetWatch install directory The directory where NetWatch is installed
Default backup directory The default directory where NetWatch backups will be
Default visual background The map that is loaded by default when you choose
“View your Network” from the welcome screen
Keep records for… The period after which records are deleted from the
NetWatch database
Use a maximum of… The maximum number of Sockets that will be used for
TCP port scans. As sockets are a limited resource it is
recommended that this does not exceed 500 sockets.
Maximum DB connections The Maximum Number of database connections that
can be opened at any one time. See MySQL
MySQL install directory The folder where MySQL is installed
Use Syslog Server Set to Yes if you want to receive Syslog messages.
Note that you need to restart the NetWatch service to
apply changes to this setting.
Use SNMP Notification
Set to Yes if you want to receive SNMP Traps. Note
that you need to restart the NetWatch service to apply
changes to this setting.