User’s Guide – version 1.6 NetWatch
NetWatch Database
MySQL was strategically chosen as the database for NetWatch because of the speed
with which it performs SQL queries.
It also handles connections very efficiently, thus making it ideal for a web based
product like NetWatch. The database stores all NetWatch configuration data and
Alerting System
NetWatch contains a complex alerting system, which alerts the user to certain
situations on a device. When an alert occurs this is immediately seen from the web
front-end. Alerts can be also sent through E-mail, SMS, syslog and various or media.
For detailed information on the alerting system refer to Chapter 4.
Web Front-end
The web front-end plays a very important role with in NetWatch in that it provides the
user interface of NetWatch. NetWatch uses a technology called Java Server Page
(JSP) in conjunction with our database for controlling the content and appearance of
our web front-end. Using this technology NetWatch is able to provide complex
reporting to the user.
The JSP pages are served to the user by using a specific web server (which runs on
configurable port e.g. 8080) that is installed with NetWatch.