Dual Input Oscilloscope
Scope Modes .................................. Normal, Single, Roll
equivalent sampling ................... 20 ns to 500 ns/div
real time sampling..............................1 µs to 5 s/div
Single (real time) .....................................1 µs to 5 s/div
Roll (real time) ......................................... 1s to 60 s/div
Sampling Rate (for both channels simultaneously)
Equivalent sampling (repetitive signals) ........................
up to 1.25 GS/s
Real time sampling:
1 µs to 5 ms/div........................................... 25 MS/s
10 ms to 60 s/div...........................................5 MS/s
Time Base Accuracy
Equivalent sampling .................. ±(0.4% +0.04 time/div)
Real time sampling .................... ±(0.1% +0.04 time/div)
Glitch Detection..................≥40 ns @ 20 ns to 5 ms/div
≥200 ns @ 10 ms to 60 s/div
Glitch detection is always active.
Horizontal Move........................................... 10 divisions
Trigger point can be positioned anywhere across the
Screen Update...............................Free Run, On Trigger
Source.............................................................. A, B, EXT
EXTernal via optically isolated trigger probe ITP120
(optional accessory)
Sensitivity A and B
@ DC to 5 MHz.............................0.5 divisions or 5 mV
@ 25 MHz.................................................. 1.5 divisions
@ 40 MHz..................................................... 4 divisions
Slope................................................... Positive, Negative
Video on A..........................interlaced video signals only
Modes ............................................... Lines, Line Select
Standards...........................PAL, NTSC, PAL+, SECAM
Polarity..............................................Positive, Negative
Sensitivity..........................................0.6 divisions sync.