Menu Functions
Data Menu 5
Press the E button to display the data for the selected starting date and time in graphical
format. Press the F button to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
Data Print
The DATA PRINT function allows recorded data to be printed over the serial or IR port.
The PORT parameter is selectable between SERIAL and IRDA/IRCOMM, depending on
the IRMODE setting. The FORMAT parameter may be set to BINARY or TEXT for the
serial port or IRCOMM port. The BEGIN parameter sets the start date and the start time
from which to start printing. The format of the start date is according to D FORM in
SYSTEM, DATE-TIME (Section ). The format of the start time is 24 hour format.
Figure 5-21. Data Print
The B C buttons are used to change the parameters. Press the E button to save the new
Press the F button to cancel any changes and exit to the menu.
Data Storage
The DATA STORAGE function allows viewing the status of the data memory. The
FILLED parameter shows the percentage of storage space used. The BYTES parameter
shows the number of bytes stored. The CAP parameter shows storage capacity, in bytes.
The INDEX parameter shows percentage of space used in the record block index. The
BEGIN parameter is the date of the earliest data. The END parameter is the date of the
latest data.