Users Manual
Table 5-1. Field Types
Field Type Description
Blank blank field
DATE current date
TIME current time
ID sensor identification
SERN sensor serial number
TEMP most recent temperature measurement
T RATE temperature rate of change
T AVE temperature statistical mean
T STD temperature standard deviation
T MIN minimum temperature
T MAX maximum temperature
T SPR temperature spread (maximum minus minimum)
T N number of temperature statistical samples
T RMAX maximum temperature rate of change
T ALAR temperature alarm count
T DELT temperature delta (difference from the other channel)
RHUM most recent relative humidity measurement
H RATE humidity rate of change
H AVE relative humidity statistical mean
H STD relative humidity standard deviation
H MIN minimum relative humidity
H MAX maximum relative humidity
H SPR relative humidity spread (maximum minus minimum)
H N number of humidity statistical samples
H RMAX maximum relative humidity rate of change
H ALAR relative humidity alarm count
H DELT relative humidity delta (difference from the other channel)
DEWP dew point
HEAT heat index (apparent temperature as felt by humans)
REC CH recording channel/measurement type enable status
BATT battery level
MEAS seconds to next measurement
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