FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 44 of 51
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Input Output Config Parameters
Relative Item Signal Condition
Johnson Tag
B(5) 11111
B(6) 000 = Not used
011 = ON/OFF Output
100 = DAT Output Type
101 = PAT Output Type
B(8) 110 = Multistage ON/OFF Type
121 FP R/W OCO3 PAT/DAT Timing for Output Module #3
122 Byte R/W OCN4 Output #4 Configuration
B(1) 00001 Src of Module (Analog Items 1..31)
B(5) 11111
B(6) 000 = Not used
011 = ON/OFF Output
123 FP R/W OCO4 PAT Dead Band/Multistate Hysteresis #3
124 Byte R/W OCN5 Output #5 Configuration
B(1) 00001 Src of Module (Analog Items 1..31)
B(5) 11111
B(6) 000 = Not used
011 = ON/OFF Output
100 = DAT Output Type
101 = PAT Output Type
110 = Multistage ON/OFF Type
B(8) 111 = Three Windings Control
125 FP R/W OCO5 PAT/DAT Timg Outpt Mod #5 FSB-pnt #1
126 Byte R/W OCN6 Output #6 Configuration
B(1) 00001 Src of Module (Analog Items 1..31)
B(5) 11111
B(6) 000 = Not used
127 FP R/W OCO6 PAT/DAT Timg Outpt Mod #5 FSB-pnt #2
128 Byte R/W OCN7 Output #7 Configuration
B(1) 00001 Src of Module (Analog Items 1..31)
B(5) 11111
B(6) 000 = Not used
129 FP R/W OCO7 Fan Speed Break-point #3
130 spare
131 Word R/W ALG Configuration Index 1
132 Word Write XST Diagnostic Status
W(1) Read Gain x 2 Jumper
W(2) Read Integral Action Zeroing Jumper
W(3) Read Zone 1 Jumper
W(4) Read Zone 2 Jumper
W(5) Clear DIAL Dial Request Status
W(6) Not used
W(8) Read Intelligent Command Module Com Failure
W(9) Read XTAI1 not valid
W(10) Read XTAI2 not valid
W(11) Read XTAI3 not valid
W(12) Read XTAI4 not valid
W(13) Read EEPROM not protected