FS-8700-19_Metasys_N2 Driver Manual Page 20 of 51
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com
Tel: (408) 262-2299 Fax: (408) 262-2296 Toll_Free: 888-509-1970 email: support@fieldserver.com
Appendix A. Advanced Topics
Appendix A.1. Writing to DX9100 Binary Outputs
When writing to DX9100 Binary Outputs, it is important to understand that each binary output has three bits associated with it as
described in the table below:
Bit Description Address
status bit
The status bit will indicate the actual status of the output in the field. This bit cannot be
modified by the FieldServer as it is read only, and is meant for actual status display.
Address 5
control bit
The control bit will allow the FieldServer to write a command to the DX9100 for the associated
output. This command will only execute if the override is enabled by the override bit.
Low byte of
Address 1
Override bit
The override bit must be set to enable an output to be written to by the FieldServer. If this is
not set, then the control bit will be ignored.
High byte of
Address 1
The example below better illustrates the mapping that is typically needed to deal with DX9100 Binary Outputs. Note that since all
6 outputs are packed into word format when transmitted, a Packed_Bit Array is typically required to access the bits individually.
In this Example, the status for BO3-BO8 can be found in offsets 0-5 of DA_PO1_02, the control bits can be found in offsets 0-5 of
DA_PO1_01, and the override bits can be found in offsets 8-13 of DA_PO1_01.
Data_Array_Name, Data_Format, Data_Array_Length
DA_PO1_01 , Packed_Bit , 100
DA_PO1_02 , Packed_Bit , 100
Map_Descriptor_Name, Data_Array_Name, Data_Array_Offset, Function, Node_Name, Address, Scan_Interval
CMD_DO1_05 , DA_PO1_01 , 0 , Rdbc , Dev_30 , 0001 , 1.0s // DO3 -
CMD_DO1_06 , DA_PO1_02 , 0 , Rdbc , Dev_30 , 0005 , 1.0s // DO3 - DO8 Status
Binary Outputs start at address 3, so the first bit of each of these addresses will represent B03