USP 507 • Front Panel Operation
Input 1
Input 6
Input 5
Input 4
Input 3
Input 2
Input 64
Output 1 Input 3
Output 5
Output 4
Output 3
Output 2 Input 3
USP 507 #1
USP 507 #6
USP 507 #2
Output to display
Output to display
Output to display
Output 64
Output 63
Output 6 Input 3
Input 63
Figure 3-9 — Multiple USP 507’s connected to a matrix switcher
3. On the USP 507, configure the input as follows:
a. Switch to input 3 on the USP 507.
b. Set the following input sampling settings as needed: signal type,
horizontal and vertical start, pixel phase, total pixels, active pixels, and
active lines.
Do not use the auto detect setting for the input type when using input presets.
c. Set the following picture controls as needed: size, position, color, tint,
brightness, contrast, and detail.
. Save the adjusted settings as input preset 1. Refer to chapter 4, “SIS
Programmers Guide”, for the SIS commands to save the preset.
Each input preset must be saved with the same number as the input on the
matrix switcher. For example, input 24 on the matrix will be associated with the
input preset 24 on the USP 507.
e. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each matrix input that is used on the USP 507.
4. Synchronize the USP 507 to the matrix switcher as follows:
a. Open the control program (SPPCP) and connect to the USP 507.
Connection must be via IP (not RS-232).
b. From the Tools menu, select Sync to
Matrix Switcher... . The Sync to Matrix
Switcher window opens
. In the IP Address field, enter the matrix
switcher’s IP address.
. Click Connect to Matrix button. The
matrix switcher’s size is displayed.
. From the drop-down menu next to
USP 507 Input #3 select the matrix
output number that is connected to
input 3 on the USP 507. Click Take. The devices now synchronize.
All other inputs on the USP 507 must not be used when it is synchronized to a
matrix switcher.