BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50
Standard Telephone / Economyplus Telephone
GENERAL Note: This chapter only applies to the Standard telephone.
This chapter is only relevant when your system is connected to
a digital trunk line (ISDN-trunk line). It provides a general
view of all the (supplementary) services available from the
public net which are supported by the system. The services
from the public net differ from market to market. Please ask
your system administrator which features are available.
IDENTIFICATION The main difference compared to the analogue public net
is the number identification between the connected parties.
When you establish an outgoing external call, the public
number of your system and your extension number will be
sent to the caller. If the number of the answering party is
different from the dialled one (for example, after a diversion),
you will also be informed about the answering party´s number.
When you answer an incoming external call on your phone
(or from another phone), you will see the caller´s number
on the display. Your public number will be sent to the caller.
NUMBER SECRECY By pressing a pre-programmed ”number secrecy” key you
can choose not to show your complete number
(public + extension number) to the connected party.
Number secrecy Press a pre-programmed key to suppress
your complete number to the public net
The lamp beside the key shows a steady light and the
function remains activated until the key is pressed again.
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