BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50
Standard Telephone / Economyplus Telephone
Pre-defined texts From the table below:
Enter ÓCodeÓ and
Enter ÓCompleting infoÓ
Code Completing info
Time of return 1 hour (00-23) minute (00-59)
Date of return 2 month (01-12) day (01-31)
Lunch 3 back at, hour minute
Meeting 4 back at, hour minute
Vacation 5 back, month day
Illness 6 back, month day
Press to enter the information
Press to finish the procedure
The programmed absence info will be shown on the display.
Internal callers receive the information on the display
(or as spoken information to callers without display phone).
Pre-defined texts
Example: Vacation, back June 27
2nd Info
If you do not know the time of return, just press #.
Information active. Internal callers receive the information
on the display (or as spoken information to callers without
display phone). External callers will be routed to the operator
who also has access to your absent info.