3.2.9 Start-Up Procedures Screen
From the SCC Master Menu, move the highlighted cursor to START-UP PROCEDURES. Press the
Select pad and the SCC Start-Up Procedures screen is displayed (Figure 42).
This screen contains the steps you must follow to start-up the UPS system. The instructions are listed
so you can review them prior to performing the start-up.
Figure 42 SCC start- up procedures screen
Prior to this procedure, supply power to the critical load through the bypass line. Start-up each UPS
module according to the module start-up procedures. You can then transfer the load from bypass to
the UPS system per instructions on the SCC Load Transfer Procedures Screen.
Refer to 3.4.1 - SCC Start-Up Procedure for more details.
From the module Master Menu, move the highlighted cursor to START-UP PROCEDURES. Press
the Select pad and the module Start-Up Procedures screen is displayed (Figure 43).
This two-page screen contains the steps you must follow to start-up each UPS system. The instruc-
tions are listed so you can review them prior to performing the start-up.
If the system was shut down in response to an “Emergency Off” signal (typically because of a
load fault), there may be alarm messages on the LCD screen that describe system conditions
before (or at the time of) the shutdown. Some or all of the alarm conditions may have already
been resolved. To clear these alarm messages, make sure the critical load is on bypass power
and turn off the control power (see Figure 8 and Figure 9). Wait at least ten minutes for the
control power circuitry to completely de-energize. After ten minutes, turn control power back on
and follow the start-up procedures on the UPS and SCC screens.
1. Wait approximately two (2) minutes before attempting any other action .
2. Select "SYSTEM CONFIGURATION" screen to verify that the correct model number is
3. Go to the modules(s) and follow the module "STARTUP PROCEDURES".
4. Select "MONITOR/MIMIC" screen, verify that the output voltages are at the
proper nominal level and correct number of modules online is displayed.
5. If the bypass or static switch breakers are open, refer to Start-up Procedures
in the UPS manual for instructions on closing these breakers.
6. System is now ready to assume load. Select "LOAD TRANSFER PROCEDURES"
screen for this procedure.
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