5.3 Adjustments
All adjustments are set at the factory or during start-up and normally do not have to be field read-
• Input Current Limit: Normal, 115%; on generator (with optional circuit), 100%
• Battery Charge Current Limit: Normal, 10%; on generator, 1%
• Battery Equalize Charge: Set at start-up dependent on battery characteristics
• DC Overvoltage: 600 volts
• Overload Alarm: 104% normal load.
• Output Frequency Tolerance: ±0.5 Hz
• Output Voltage: Nominal - operator adjustable ±5%
• Line Drop Compensation: 0 to +5% - set at start-up to match load characteristics; if significant
additional loads are connected, call Liebert Global Services
5.4 Battery Operation
The separate battery manufacturer’s manual, available on the manufacturer’s Web site, provides the
necessary information for the installation, operation and maintenance of the battery. Use the battery
manual in conjunction with this manual.
The float charge voltage for a battery is equal to the number of cells in series making up the battery
multiplied by the charge voltage for each cell.
Since the charging voltage level is critical to proper battery operation, refer to your battery manual,
available on the manufacturer’s Web site, for information regarding your system.
For 150-750kVA models with nominal 240 cell battery, the DC bus nominal voltage range is 527 to
576 VDC. For 100-125kVA models (with 240 cell battery only), the DC bus nominal voltage range is
534-574 VDC. Maximum equalize voltage is 585 VDC. Battery voltage at end of discharge is 386 VDC
at the UPS terminals (389 VDC at the battery). The number of battery cells required will range from
236 to 244, depending on the UPS model and your application.