System Calibration
Supplement - 20 NGA 2000 90003749(1) [NGA-e (CLD-Software 2.3/MLT-Software 3.1.X)] 04/98
3.4.4 Control System Calibration by AK-protocol command
We can start and stop SYSCAL over serial interface by AK-protocol commands. Therefore
the commands SCAL, STBY and ASTZ has to be used.
Start-Command: SCAL Kx m (n)
(type of SYSCAL)
(optional parameter)
0 = ZERO-CAL K0 n = 1: switch into test mode
2 = PROGRAM K0 else: switch into normal mode
3 = TEST ZERO-GAS K1...999 timeout in sec
4 = TEST SPAN-GAS1 K1...999 timeout in sec
5 = TEST SPAN-GAS2 K1...999 timeout in sec
6 = TEST SPAN-GAS3 K1...999 timeout in sec
7 = TEST SPAN-GAS4 K1...999 timeout in sec
If optional parameter n is not in command string the appropriate
variable is not changed.
Starting condition: All attached AMs are in the Standby-Mode (AK STBY) and the
variable CALSTAT is 0, otherwise the response is BUSY (BS).
Stop-Command: STBY K0
Only using K0 will stop running SYSCAL-procedure
(besides all the procedures of the other AMs).
Check-Command: ASTZ K0
The ASTZ K0 command gives the information if a SYSCAL-procedure
is running or not.
If running it returns a „SCAL“ if not this string is missed.