90003749(1) [NGA-e (Software CLD 2.3/MLT 3.1.X)] 04/98
NGA 2000
6 - 33
Main Menu — Technical level configuration
Diagnostic menus
Analyzer module diagnostics
Physical Measurements
In the menu "Physical Measurements" you can find several physical measurement
parameters of the CLD analyzer module like ozonator power, converter temperature or
capillary flow rate. Via the menu lines "Pressure limits..." and "Temperature limits..." you
can change to the corresponding submenus, where you can set up several pressure
parameters and temperature parameters of the analyzer.
The violation of the limits in the submenus may start alarm reports, if the alarm report is
enabled in the menu "Analyzer Diagnostics" (see 6.3.2 p. 6-27). Besides, the limits of the
submenus will be begin and end of the bargraphs in the single component display, if
activated (see 5.1.9 p. 5-24).
You can also reach the menu "Physical Measurements" via the menu "Analyzer module
set up" of the expert controls and set up menus (chapter 5.1.10 p. 5-26).
Changing to the submenus:
♦ Select the line you want with the ↑↑ -key or the ↓↓ -key.
♦ Press the ENTER key or the →→ -key to change to the corresponding submenu.
You should control the sample capillary pressure, the ozone supply pressure and the
bypass flow in this menu after starting up your CLD. The values displayed in these lines
should be equivalent to the original manufacturer's data sheet to avoid measurement
F1 F2 F3 F4 F5
95.0 ppm
Physical Measurements
Ozone supply pressure: 1030 hPa
Ozonator power: Enabled
Bypass flow: 1100 ml/min
Converter temperature: 360 C
Sensor temperature: 0.5 C
Block temperature: 51.5 C
Pressure limits...
Temperature limits...
Ozonator status: ON
Capillary flow rate: 200 ml/min
Sample capillary pressure: 340 hPa Diagnostic Menus
Physical Measurements