Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started
P252 Stop If (Factory default is “None”)
Relay de-energizes when the selected condition is true. See also Table 4-7 on page 87.
P252 is a fail-safe for P251
P253 Start Time (Factory default is “7:00” - i.e. 7AM)
This defines the clock time for when a Custom mode relay operation will begin
(if P250 = Time) or end (if P251 = Time)
P254 Interval (Factory default is “1:00” i.e. 1hr 0min)
This is for defining the interval for repeating a Custom mode relay operation. P255 and
P256 are for setting up a second starting time and an associated interval
P257 Max Retries (Factory default is 10)
This defines the maximum number of failed attempts to perform Custom mode relay
operations before it is deemed an alarm condition.
The alarm condition can happen if the control unit is in Program mode, which prevents
all Custom mode relay operations from starting. Also, it can happen when the
maximum time for an energized relay (relay safeguard, page 71) has been reached and
is preventing a Custom mode relay operation from completing. For alarm indication
options, see “Set-up alarms” on page 91
Table 4-7. P250/P251/P252 options
For any of the alarms below to be indicated by a relay or current output, an indication
method must be selected. See “Alarm indication selection” on page 91 for details
Options Purpose of option
Start on
Stop on
Stop if
None Switched off. Yes Yes Yes
Time P253 and P254 determine when a Custom mode relay is to
be energized.
Yes Yes -
PV > Level Energize a Custom mode relay when the control unit PV
value (D800) is greater than the relay On Point.
Yes - -
PV < Level De-energize a Custom mode relay when the control unit PV
value (D800) less than the relay On point.
- Yes Yes
Ext Trig
(1) This does not require Digital Input IN1 or IN2 to be allocated an action
(2) Abbreviations: "Ext Trig" = External Trigger (Digital Input)
Energize a Custom mode relay when a digital input is
Yes Yes Yes
Ext Trig Xs
When a Digital Input is active, de-energize a Custom mode
relay after X seconds delay.
- - Yes