Reference Manual
IP2030/RM, Rev AA
Section 4: Getting started
June 2014
Section 4: Getting started84
Pump On Delay
P499 Pump On Delay (Factory default is “3 s”)
This function is to prevent pumps from all being switched on simultaneously, which
could cause a massive surge
When multiple relays are used for pump control (or as a set point) and power is lost,
this function provides a delay of 0 up to 9 seconds (3 seconds by default) for the
second, third, fourth, and fifth relay when power is re-established
Auto-sequence (Mobrey MCU901 and MCU902 only)
(Special Control Function – see Table 4-5 on page 73 for a full list)
Optional automatic rotation of the leading (most used) relay can be applied to Assist or Standby
mode relays. To use these options, two or more relays must have the same mode. The lowest
numbered relay is initially the lead relay.
The rotation of relays is performed without the actual swapping of values between
relay parameters.
P270 Auto Seq Enable (Factory default is “Off”)
Select a rotation auto-sequence. All options are summarized in Ta bl e 4 -6
P271 Auto Seq Qual (Factory default is 0)
This defines the threshold (e.g. how many starts) before applying an auto-sequence to
rotate the 'lead' to the next relay with the same mode
Table 4-6. Auto-sequence options
Option Rotation basis
Standby Starts For Standby mode relays only - rotation is based on how many times the 'leading' relay has
been energized compared to parameter P271.
Stdby On Time For Standby mode relays only - rotation is based on the hours that the 'leading' relay has been
energized compared to parameter P271.
Stdby Ratio T
(1) Ratio is based on the first two lowest-numbered relays with the same mode.
For two Standby mode relays only - rotation is based on the ratio of ON time for two relays
compared to P271.
Stdby Ratio S
For two Standby mode relays only - rotation based on the ratio of starts (times energized)
compared to P271.
Assist Starts Rotation of 'leading' Assist mode relay is based on how many times it has been energized
compared to P271.
Assist On Time Rotation of 'leading' Assist mode relay is based on the hours that it has been energized
compared to P271.
Assist Ratio T
For two Assist mode relays only - rotation based on the ratio of ON time for the two relays
compared to P271.
Assist Ratio S
For two Assist mode relays only - rotation based on the ratio of starts (times energized)
compared to P271.
Off No rotation required.