
Level Measurement Display - in inches
Level measurement Display - in centimeters
Level Measurement Display - in millimeters
Level Measurement Display - in feet
Level Measurement Display - in meters
Interface Measurements - same decimal positions as Level
Only if configuration set to Level+Interface or All
Temperature Measurements - same decimal positions for F or C
Only if configuration set to Level+ Temper or All
Output Current
Percent of Range
Configuration Screens (Up / Down arrows choose options)
Press Select to Enter.
Model Number - Model 300
Select sensor length - Input overall sensor length (Length = end to weld)
Level Units - rotates starting at present units ( > ft<>m<>in<>cm<>mm> )
PV - only if Interface available - rotates starting at present PV ( >Level<>Interf> )
Alarm - rotates starting at present alarm ( >High<>Low<>Hold Out> )
Range Change
Choose Yes to Select Range - Display starts with NO
Lower Range Value
Upper Range Value
Damping - From 1 to 25 - Will not allow 0 or negative numbers.
Sensor Calibration
Choose Yes to perform Sensor Trim (Display starts with No)
Zero Trim - Set float to the 4 mA mark (0%) and then Select.
Data not required.
Span Trim - Move the float to the 20mA mark (100%) on the probe. Using the arrow buttons
input the correct distance from the zero point and then Select.
Level Offset-Enter the desired value of the offset from the current zero and Press Enter. This will
show a level offset at 4mA. i.e. 4mA will be reported @ 5.0” if 5.0” was selected.
Dac Trim
Choose Yes to perform Dac Trim - Display starts with No
Dac Trim - 4mA Point - Press raise or lower depending on value of loop current.
Dac Trim - 20mA Point - Press raise or lower depending on value of loop current.
Loop Test - Input Value
This will continuously vary the loop current as the user presses
the Raise or Lower buttons. Exits when user depresses Select button.
Exit to Displays
4 5 6 7 . 8 cm
1 2 3. 4 5 i n
L e v e l
9 0 1 2 3. m m
L e v e l
5 6. 7 8 9 f t
L e v e l
2 3. 4 5 6 m
L e v e l
3 2 F
T e m p e r
1 2 3. 4 5i n
I n
1 2 . 3 4 mA
O u t p u t
5 6 . 7 8 %
% R a n g e
1 2 . 3 4 i n
S e l LR V
L T M 3 0 0
i n
S e l U n i t
Le v e l
S e l P V
H o l d O u t
S e l A l r m
N o
C h g R n g e?
45 . 67 i n
S e l U R V
T r i m 2 0 m A
T r n S n s r ?
1 2 3. 4 5 i n
T r i m S p a n
T r i m D a c ?
T r i m 4 m A
3. s
S e l D a m p
T r i m Z e r o
8. 0 0 m A
L o o p T e s t
X X X . X I n
S e l L n g t h
5.1 LCD Menus For The LTM-300
.00 in
S e t O f f