When the HART Communicator
is connected to the transmitter
and turned on, the first screen
that is seen by the user is the root
menu screen. If the transmitter is
configured as Level Only or Level
plus Temperature, the screen to
the left shows the information
displayed to the user.
However if the transmitter is
configured as Level plus Interface
or Level plus Interface plus
Temperature and Interface has
been selected as the Primary
Variable (Interface controls the
current output), the screen to
the left shows the information
displayed to the user.
When the user selects the top
menu entry on the root menu,
Device setup, by using the right
arrow, the next screen displays
five menu selections available to
the user. Each of these menu
selections will provide detailed
information about a specific portion
of the transmitter as detailed in the
following sections.
If the user selects the Process
variables menu from the Device
setup screen, the next screen
displays the current values for all
of the dynamic variables. If the
transmitter is not configured for
Interface, the entry “Interf” is not
displayed. If the transmitter is not
configured for temperature, the
entry “Temper” is not displayed.
If the user selects Diag/Service
menu from the Device setup
screen, the next screen displays
further menu selections to the user.
These selections will be presented
in more detail in the section titled
Diagnostics and Service following
this Overview.
If the user selects Basic setup from
the Device setup screen, the next
screen has a mixture of further
menu selections and detailed
information. This screen displays
the name of the variable that is
controlling the output current (PV),
the tag and the Alarm type. In
addition this screen presents the
procedure to select the Primary
variable (PV) if the transmitter is
configured with both Level and
Interface. It also displays the
menu that will allow the user to
change the range values. The
procedure used to select the PV
and perform the re-ranging of the
transmitter will be presented in
more detail in the section titled
Basic Setup.
If the user selects Detailed setup
from the Device setup screen, the
next screen displays further menu
selections to the user. These
selections will be presented in
more detail in the section titled
Detailed Setup
Finally, if the user selects Review
from the Device setup screen, a
series of screens can be accessed
that displays the value of each of
the parameters of the transmitter.
The user may select PREV or
NEXT to continue with the list or
EXIT to return to the Device setup
screen. As the user scrolls through
the list the only way to end this
series of screens is to select EXIT
since the list is a continuous loop
through the parameters.
The user accesses this screen
by selecting Diag/Service from
the Device setup screen. There
are to further menu selections,
Diagnostics and Calibration, and
two procedures, Loop test and
Restore Defaults that the user may
select from this screen.
If the user selects Diagnostics
from the Diag/Service screen, he
is given the choice of viewing the
complete diagnostics status by
selecting Operation Status or Cal
Status, only viewing the off-normal
status by selecting View status and
if a maintenance status bit is set, to
reset that bit as shown below.
Diagnostics and Service
HART Communicator Overview
This section presents the major screen selections available to the
user. The HART Communicator screens are shown on the left and
a description of the screen and user information is given on the
8.1 HART Protocol Option Information