D.9.1 Printout or PC transfer of MSM400 programme data
When used “Off-Line” the Hand Held Communicator can be instructed to transfer the programme memory
into a PC or print a list of the parameters and the values in the working register on a paper printer. This is
achieved using the Standard Psion COMMS LINK routines and interfaces.
To send or receive data from a PC the COMMS LINK must be plugged in and connected to the PC port and
the CL program must be running on the PC. See the COMMS LINK manual for further details.
The Psion will set itself up for transfer to or from a PC when this option is selected.
The file name is any valid MS DOS file name including path names and extensions. The PSION/HART
program restricts the length of the input to 17 characters.
The actual transfer to a PC is a complete list of parameter numbers (P100 and P761), of the memory
values in the WORKING register. Certain parameters have numeric codes to identify the option
(normally chosen in text, such as LINEAR or HOLD). Do not modify this data while it is in the PC file.
To printout the parameter list the COMMS LINK must first be set up to match the requirements of the
attached printer with regards to the Baud Rate, start bits, stop bits and protocol. To test the printer
and get the desired settings, use the AUTO function in the SETUP menu, and experiment with the
HAND settings, try XON + DTR first.
The printout includes the parameter number, title and value of all the valid parameters in the range
P100 and P761. Where necessary the value will be related text instead of the value in the data file,
e.g. “HOLD” instead of 2.
D.9.2 Display of Parameter Data
The four different registers relate only to the \Programmed Parameters in the MSM400 memory.
When interrogating an MSM400 control unit, a typical parameter display would show:
**** ** W
The W shown on the second line right hand end indicates that this displayed value is the value present
in the WORKING register. This can be compared with the SAFE, OFFLINE or DEFAULT equivalent values
by pressing the “MODE” button, which cycles through these registers. The data displayed is labelled
with the initial letter of the register selected. This is useful for comparing transmitters (between W and
O) or noting changes on this control unit (Between W and S). A transfer of this single parameter can be
made into the WORKING register by pressing “EXE” when the desired alternative register value is
shown on the LCD – the display will show the letter changing to W to acknowledge the transfer.
D.10.1Alarm and Error Messages
Throughout the programming of the MSM400 Control unit using the SMART Communicator, any failure
of a communication message or other problem in the SMART interface will be advised with a message
on the Liquid Crystal Display. Certain error messages prompt for an operator input or decision, for
example, whether the procedure should be repeated. These need simple “Yes” or “No” responses.
Other errors, for example, “No response from control unit” when programme parameters are being
changed, will produce a reset of the parameter value back to the original value in the WORKING Register.
In the first interrogation of the control unit, each asterisk shown on the LCD represents a message,
which can contain up to 10 parameters. In the event of a failure of this communication, the option of a
retry or move to the next set of parameters is offered. It is always preferred to use “Retry” to collect a
full set of data.